Economic trends and realities: Insights from the COFACE Conference - Monaco - 8th February 2024

As we move towards a new world marked by unprecedented volatility and growing scarcity, it is evident that we are entering an era of profound transformation. The days of low interest rates are behind us, with rates expected to remain high for the foreseeable future. In this increasingly unstable and unpredictable landscape, we find ourselves at a critical juncture.

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Update on exit tax regulations

If you left France between March 3, 2022, and December 31, 2023, and requested to benefit from the capital gain tax suspension, you may now be exempt from the social contribution on the latent gain you had at the time of your departure. This exemption is made possible by the financial law 2024. However, it's crucial for concerned taxpayers to file a specific tax request in due course, as the timing to lodge this claim is debatable.

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Enlargement of the look through taxation of Trust in France - Impacts for French resident settlor and beneficiaries

Nowadays, Trusts can be used for a variety of purposes, such as estate planning, asset protection, and charitable giving. They offer a high degree of flexibility in how assets are managed, invested, and distributed, and can be customized to meet the specific needs and goals of the creator. The recent 2022 financial law has enacted a new limitation to this principle which should be considered for all French tax resident involved with Trust and also for those who, may consider moving to France.

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Cécile Villacres Acolas
Do you own a property in France? Remind your obligation to declare before 30 June 2023

Since the abolition of the « taxe d'habitation » in 2023 for main residences, a new reporting obligation has been put in place. 
As an owner, you are concerned by this new obligation to declare and you must indicate for each of your premises the condition in which you occupy them.
If you do not occupy them yourself, the identity of the occupants and the period of their occupation must be specified (situation on 1st January 2023).

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Foreign companies holding French property: French corporate tax difficult to avoid

It is usual and logical that non-residents investing in France wish to use their existing company to buy and hold the French property.
Overview on the supreme administrative court statement on 22nd July 2022 who has ruled that a Swiss company in this situation should be treated as a commercial company from a French tax purpose whilst its social object was civil.
In consequences, the shareholder cannot benefit freely from the property as it would be considered as an abnormal act, contrary to the interests of the company.

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